
The first Software for ...

100% Reliability in the Company

Measurable process optimization for increased reliability at all internal touchpoints.

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"We are thrilled."

Helge Zink, CEO Langer E-Technik

Relynk: empfohlen vom Arbeitgeberverband NORDMETALL

Recommended by the employers' association NORDMETALL

Projects with the relynk approach:

Bayer Crop Science

EDEKA Fleischwerk Nord


Sana Kliniken

Lufthansa Technik

SOS Kinderdörfer

MOLL Engineering

W&B Systemhaus

Bundeswehr ZOpKomBw

MMG Propeller

Langer E-Technik


Wouldn't it be great if all departments always got everything they needed to do a good job themselves?

The first App for Reliability in the Company

So the customer returns, not the product.

Companies regularly set up programs to stabilize processes, increase product quality or reduce waste - all in the service of their customers, for top products and top performance.

But what about the relationships within your company - i.e. between internal customers and suppliers? Are the expectations and requirements of individual departments for other areas sufficiently known and are they being met?

By focusing on reliability at the internal interfaces, great potential can be leveraged:

  • Coordination costs due to the often countless meetings with a significant number of participants

  • Coordination costs due to uncoordinated departmental goals

  • Warranty costs, which often add up to 40% of the potential profit

The Method

Each department determines its internal supplier departments and formulates requirements.

In just three clicks, you can select the departments from which you and your team need something in order to be able to continue to work well, and formulate your requirements.

The customer and supplier departments agree on the requirements.

Supplier departments, in turn, coordinate their own requirements with other departments until they get what they need to be able to meet the requirements of their customer departments.

The costumer departments evaluate the fulfillment of the requirements

On a scale from “reliable” to “unreliable”, they regularly assess whether they have received what was agreed. Just as the company's customers do.

Measure and visualize reliability across the entire company

In the software version of Relynk, the Reliability Map shows the reliability of every single interface across the entire organisation at the touch of a button and in real time.

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